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This is me speaking about DEI in Tech on Lenovo Late Night I.T. Season 2!

Tap the "R" to unmute.

Growing & Evolving as a DEI Entrepreneur

Last year I lost myself and almost threw the towel in with DEI consulting and entrepreneurship. I felt like one of those inflatables in front of a car dealership, just flailing around without true direction. I was a mess.

But, I'm grateful that I fell apart because now I'm feeling stronger than ever—I have concrete goals, I'm leaning into my strengths, working on my weaknesses, finding balance, and so much more.

How did I get here?

- a lot of conversations with those who were willing to lend an ear and advice (thank you all)

- plenty of tears

- sleepless nights

- letting go of people and things that were no longer healthy for me

- white boarding over and over... and over 😅

- and also just trusting that this wasn't/isn't the first or last time that a chapter of my life will end and a new one will begin.

Two of the most important revelations that I had during this process:

1) Coming to terms with the fact that I am much much more than *just* a DEI professional. My life *cannot* and, moving forward, will *not* center around DEI. At heart I am a creative and it is foundational to everything that I do. So, this year will be all about finding the right balance.


2) "Passion" alone typically doesn't pay the bills. Last year I spent a lot of time trying to do things I was passionate about, without really thinking about the financial consequences. And I received a lot of poor financial advice from folks who were more concerned about collecting their service fees than actually helping me. But, you live and you learn.

I'm excited for what's to come this year. More updates in the video below. Thanks to everyone who has been supporting my journey thus far—I so appreciate you.

Learn more on YouTube.

Be well,



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